Online Forms

eDentForms is probably the most requested feature we had since the first version of DentForms.

In a nutshell, patients can complete all forms from the comfort of their home. All you need to do is to add a link to your website ( we can help with that ).
Don't have a website? No problem, we will tell you how to send the forms to your patients.

You can view forms in different formats such as PDF, Excel, and TIFF. You may import them into your practice management software. No longer will you have to scan any paper.

That's it, simple and painless.

  Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 3
Contract Term 12 mo prepay 24 mo prepay 36 mo prepay
Setup $25 $25 $25
Price per month $40 $35 $30
Price for 1 year $505 $445 $385
Price for 2 years $985 $865 $745
Price for 3 years $1465 $1285 $1105
Discount 0 12.5 % 25 %

Sign me up !

Go ahead, sign up with your online forms, what are you waiting for?